WOD Tuesday 3/31/20

Join us tonight for a gym meeting at 7pm MST!
Click here to join

Warm Up

5 min. jog
Inch worm
Bootstrap squats
Lizard lunge


1 min. plank
1 min. flutter kicks
50 seconds plank
50 seconds alternating toe touches
40 seconds plank
40 russian twists, with weight if you have it
30 seconds plank
30 v ups
20 seconds plank
20 sit ups
10 seconds plank
10 hollow rocks


10 Rounds
1 Burpee
10 Push Ups

*Do the push ups when you drop down to do the burpee


Up dog stretch (stretch those abs)
Lizard lunge



Virtual Gym Meeting

Hi Everyone!

Needless to say, we really miss seeing each and every one of you at the gym every day. This is a difficult time for everyone, but we want to make sure that you all know that your gym community is still here for you. We want to update you all on how we're going to move forward through the month of April by getting together tomorrow evening.

We are hosting a virtual gym meeting Tuesday, March 31st at 7:00pm MST.

Whether you're a current gym member, you used to attend the gym but have since moved away, or you're thinking about joining the gym when we re-open, this meeting is for you. We are going to talk about how we are going to continue to host classes for everyone near and far, and how we plan on keeping everyone healthy, physically and mentally, through this difficult time.

The meeting will be hosted through Zoom, you do not need an account or to sign up for anything in order to join in. You just need a cell phone or computer. Here are the details to join:

Click here to Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 492 282 007

Password: 375142

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,492282007# US (San Jose)

+13462487799,,492282007# US (Houston)

Dial by your location

    +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

    +1 301 715 8592 US

    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

    +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

    +1 253 215 8782 US

Meeting ID: 492 282 007

Find your local number: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fejKOKbC98

We'll keep this short and sweet, so mark your calendars and we'll see you Tuesday night at 7pm!


Emily and Casey



WOD Monday 3/30/20

Join us Tuesday, March 31st at 7:00pm for a virtual meeting for some BIG announcements.

More details below.

Also: Don’t forget that you can now comment on this post with your score/time for the day!

Warm Up

Full body stretch
2 rounds
10 Inch Worms
20 Arm Circles
30 Squats
40 Jumping Jacks


Push Ups - Max reps until failure
100 Goblet Squats w/KB or DB (or air squats)
Push Ups - Max reps until failure


Sit Ups
KB or DB swings (or jumping squats)


2 min. couch stretch each side

Link to gym meeting:

Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/492282007?pwd=N0FPMitFNXBUcEc4NEZSa2tPaCsxZz09 Meeting ID: 492 282 007 Password: 375142



WOD Friday 3/27/20

Warm Up

100 Jumping Jacks

50 feet of:

High Skips (get your arms involved!)

Butt Kickers (jogging kicking your heel to your glute)

Tin Soldiers (walking kicks)

Walking lunges


40 min. AMRAP

400m Run OR 20 Burpees

40 Walking Lunges holding DB/KB/MB at chest in front rack position (or no weight if you don’t have any)

30 Mountain Climbers

20 Sit Ups

10 Squat Jumps OR Headcutters


WOD Thursday 3/26/20

Warm Up


30 seconds each:
Russian Twists
Flutter Kicks
Scissor Kicks
Plank to Push Up (Elbow plank to plank on your hands, keep moving)
Hip Taps from Plank (side to side, trying to touch your hip to the floor)
Mountain Climbers

Rest 2 minutes

Repeat circuit


Find a space and measure out 10 feet

For Time

10 Burpees
10 Squats
10 Push Ups
10 ft. Sprint

9 Burpees
9 Squats
9 Push Ups
10 ft. Sprint

8 Burpees
8 Squats
8 Push Ups
10 ft. Sprint


WOD Wednesday 3/25/20

Warm Up

10 Hip Bridges
10 Inch Worms
50 Jumping Jacks
10 Inch Worms
10 Hip Bridges


5 Rounds
20 Snatches
5 Explosive Squat Jumps, see how high you can get


10 rounds
3 Burpees
6 Sit Ups
9 Push Ups


6 min. stretch
1 min. pigeon each side
1 min. lizard each side
1 min. ragdoll (standing, touching your toes)
1 min. child’s pose

WOD Tuesday 3/24/20

Warm Up

2 Rounds
40 Jumping Jacks
30 Mountain Climbers
20 Sit Ups
10 Burpees


5 rounds
1 min. Wall Sit
1 min. Plank
30 sec. static hold above head, right arm (use what you have!)
30 sec. static hold above head, left arm


6 min. AMRAP
2 Ground to Overhead (G2OH)
10 Lunges, total
4 G2OH
10 Lunges
6 G2OH
10 Lunges....

+ 2 reps to G2OH each round

Rest 2 min.

6 min. AMRAP
2 Headcutters (HC)
10 Squats
4 HC
10 Squats
6 HC
10 Squats
8 HC…


2 Rounds
25 Hollow Rocks
25 Supermans

WOD Monday 3/23/20

Warm Up

5 min. jog


Find something heavy to carry - a bucket of rocks or sand, a kettlebell or dumbbell, small child
Walk 100 steps, set weight down
Immediately sprint back to where you started
Walk back to your weight (this is your rest)


10 min. AMRAP
5 Knee Tuck Jumps (scale to jumping squats)
10 Push Ups
20 Mountain Climbers
40 Line Hop Overs


Accumulate 3 min. in plank

WOD Friday 3/20/20

Warm Up

5 min. jog
10 Plank to Toe Touch
2 min. Couch Stretch
1 min. Ragdoll (bent over touching toes)


40 minute Friday!
*40 min. time cap
100 Sit Ups
90 “Box Jumps” (a bench, a stair, just find something to hop up on. If you can’t find anything, do 90 tuck jumps)
80 Jumping Jacks
70 Squats
60 Push Press (with DB or KB. If you don’t have any weight, find something to hold)
50 Burpees
40 Thrusters (with a DB do 20 Thrusters each side)
30 Hand Release Push Ups
20 Ground to Overhead
10 minute walk - Slow it all down, don’t look at your phone, take in some fresh air, be grateful for a body that can do what you just did.

WOD Thursday 3/19/20

Warm Up

2 min. stretch wrists
15 hip bridges
15 toe touches
1 min. lizard stretch each side


Find some stairs, or 3 different heights to do push ups from
5 Rounds
10 Push Ups at highest level
7 Push Ups at mid height
5 Push Ups at lowest height (floor?)


16 min. AMRAP
16 Jumping Lunges
6 Burpees
16 Lateral Hops Over an Object
6 Burpees
16 Mountain Climbers
6 Burpees


2 min. Pigeon (1 min. each side)
1 min. Happy Baby
1 min. Scorpion, rotating side to side