St. Patrick's Day 3rd Annual Fundraiser! March 15, 2024 from 11am - 1pm


St. Patrick's Day 3rd Annual Fundraiser! March 15, 2024 from 11am - 1pm

We made this event free to sign up for online, so that 100% of your registration fees go to a non-profit, and not to transaction fees. Please pay your registration fee in cash at the gym any time before March 15th at 10:30am.

Only one person from your team needs to sign up online. 1 ticket = 1 machine. Machines are limited so sign up fast!

Sign up on Eventbrite at

Don't miss out on a chance to make a difference and have a blast at the same time! Join us Mar 15, 2025 at the Gym on 5th ready for an event filled with fun, laughter, a little sweat, and giving back to the community!

Spend an hour trying to achieve as many calories as possible. You DO NOT need to be a member of the gym. Great opportunity to being a friend and show them what you love about The Gym on 5th!

Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 winners in each category! Cant wait to breath hard and raise some money together for some of our awesome Non-Profits in Moab!




Get ready for a new year and an opportunity to set goals and challenge yourself! The 2025 Wellness Challenge begins February 10th! Scroll all the way down to read all the details for this challenge, including FAQs. Sign ups begin Friday February 7th at the gym!


  1. Where do I sign up?

    • Bring $20 to the Gym and we’ll give you your score sheet and instructions.

  2. Does coffee count as water?

    • No, sorry, we all wish it did. Must be water. You can add electrolytes, salts, lemon, things like that.

  3. Do I have to workout at the Gym on 5th

    • Yes, unless you are out of town. If so, log onto SugarWod to see the workout and scale/modify accordingly. It must be one of our workouts that you do to the best of your ability with the equipment you have. Let us know if you need any direction.

  4. DETAILS on the “REMOVE 3” List:

Remember, this list is called the REMOVE 3 list. If you already do not consume alcohol or you already do not eat dairy, then choose a different option. This should be a challenge and should be different than the diet you have been consuming.

  1. Dairy

    • This includes cow, goat, or sheep’s milk products like milk, cream, cheese, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, ice cream, or frozen yogurt

  2. Alcohol

    • Self-explanatory. Beverages with trace amounts of alcohol like kombucha and Athletic Brewing are okay.

  3. Caffeine

    • This includes coffee, tea, energy drinks, and pre-workout mixes

  4. Added sugars

    • Maple syrup, agave nectar, coconut sugar, date syrup, stevia, Splenda, Equal, Nutrasweet, xylitol, aspartame, etc. ALLOWED: Honey in moderation

  5. Grains

    • Wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, rice, millet, bulgur, sorghum, and sprouted grains. ALLOWED: Quinoa, Amaranth, and Buckwheat, as these are technically considered seeds.

  6. Unhealthy oils

    • Corn, canola, cottonseed, soy, safflower, sunflower, grapeseed, and rice bran oils

  7. Bars and pre-packaged foods

    • Frozen food, protein bars, bags of chips, crackers, etc. This one can be a slippery slope in terms of what counts as pre-packaged and what doesn’t. If you think it might qualify as pre-packaged, it probable does. Protein powders are okay as long as they don’t have any added sugars

8. When will you release the weekly challenges?

  • Every Monday







It’s never too late to start your fitness and longevity journey, no matter your age, current fitness level, previous or current injuries. From the CrossFit Masters Guide: “Our goal is to increase work capacity. The way we achieve that is by practicing constantly varied functional movements at high intensity. Applying this to an older client should be no problem because we use a principle of relative intensity where the stimulus is modified to match current levels of physical and psychological tolerance. This means that this type of program is universally scalable, i.e., anyone can do it, and everyone should do it, especially later in life.

The Benefits

Obviously there is the exercise benefit for health, but there are many other things you can get from working out, which will be different for each individual person, which you have no idea about until you take the plunge!

1.Good for your mind

You are never too old to start something new, and that includes working on your fitness. It’s healthy to challenge yourself, learn new skills and put yourself in an environment where you are a little uncomfortable to start off with.

2.Good for your body 

Continued training can have many positive effects on your health and wellness. Those who are able to combine continuous exercise with good nutrition and avoid risk factors (such as smoking), can delay and minimize the effects of ageing.

While we have to accept that some changes are inevitable, it is possible to elevate health markers to above average through an active lifestyle.

“According to the literature, compared to their non-training peers, masters athletes display increased testosterone, lower blood pressure, increased cardiovascular respiratory endurance (Hayes et al., 2013), increased strength, greater muscle mass, greater bone density (Powell, 2005), better mobility and balance, better spinal function (Wright, 2012) and better brain function (Zhao et al., 2016). Lifelong exercise may also be the key to reducing the risk of dementia (Brown et al., 2017).” – CrossFit Masters Training Guide

Combating the negative effects of inactivity combined with ageing should be priorities for all masters wishing to lead a healthier and happier life.

In here we are as strong as we are because of our community that we have built. We have all met lifelong friends and people that have changed our lives for the better. We’re all hearing putting in the work to better ourselves and doing hard things together. This creates a supportive connection that is unmatched. You’ll come for the fitness, but you’ll stay for the community.



As you age, the focus of your training should allow you to perform for the longest period of time without injury or pain.

Our program and coaches will account for the changes in your body specific to your age, as well as asses your needs, and what your personal training goals are.

Our program is created with a series of constantly varied movements that will help you build muscle, strong bones, fight against osteoporosis, reduce high blood pressure etc… this list goes on and on. If you are willing to put in the work, it doesn’t matter how out of shape you might be, with consistency and intensity (relative to you) in just a couple of months time you will begin to see drastic improvement in strength, flexibility and an approach to life that is happier and healthier. You never know where things will lead once you take the plunge into something new.

Click here to get started on your new fitness journey with us for your FREE FIRST CLASS!

Click here to get started on your new fitness journey with us FOR MEMBERSHIP SETUP!

Click here after claiming your first free class or purchasing your membership to sign up for a class. Please note signups only open 24 hour prior to class!

You may also download the Members Push Press App on your phone to sign in to your account and sign up for classes.

For APPLE USERS: Click HERE to download the app.

For ANDROID USERS: Click HERE to download the app,


St. Patrick's Day 2nd Annual Fundraiser! March 15, 2024 5:30pm


St. Patrick's Day 2nd Annual Fundraiser! March 15, 2024 5:30pm

We made this event free to sign up for online, so that 100% of your registration fees go to a non-profit, and not to transaction fees. Please pay your registration fee in cash at the gym any time before March 15th at 5:00pm.

Only one person from your team needs to sign up online. 1 ticket = 1 machine. Machines are limited so sign up fast!

Sign up on Eventbrite at

Don't miss out on a chance to make a difference and have a blast at the same time! Join us Mar 16, 2024 at the Gym on 5th ready for an event filled with fun, laughter, a little sweat, and giving back to the community!

Spend an hour trying to achieve as many calories as possible. You DO NOT need to be a member of the gym. Great opportunity to being a friend and show them what you love about The Gym on 5th!

Prizes will be awared to the top 3 winners in each category! Cant wait to breath hard and raise some money together for some of our awesome Non-Profits in Moab!




Get ready for a new year and an opportunity to set goals and challenge yourself! The 2024 Wellness Challenge begins January 15th! Scroll all the way down to read all the details for this challenge, including FAQs. Sign ups begin Monday, January 8th at the gym!


  1. Where do I sign up?

    • Bring $20 to the Gym and we’ll give you your score sheet and instructions.

  2. Does coffee count as water?

    • No, sorry, we all wish it did. Must be water. You can add electrolytes, salts, lemon, things like that.

  3. Do I have to workout at the Gym on 5th

    • Yes, unless you are out of town. If so , log onto SugarWod to see the workout and scale/modify accordingly. It must be one of our workouts that you do to the best of your ability with the equipment you have. Let us know if you need any direction.

  4. DETAILS on the “REMOVE 3” List:

Remember, this list is called the REMOVE 3 list. If you already do not consume alcohol or you already do not eat dairy, then choose a different option. This should be a challenge and should be different than the diet you have been consuming.

  1. Dairy

    • This includes cow, goat, or sheep’s milk products like milk, cream, cheese, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, ice cream, or frozen yogurt

  2. Alcohol

    • Self-explanatory. Beverages with trace amounts of alcohol like kombucha and Athletic Brewing are okay.

  3. Caffeine

    • This includes coffee, tea, energy drinks, and pre-workout mixes

  4. Added sugars

    • Maple syrup, agave nectar, coconut sugar, date syrup, stevia, Splenda, Equal, Nutrasweet, xylitol, aspartame, etc. ALLOWED: Honey in moderation

  5. Grains

    • Wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, rice, millet, bulgur, sorghum, and sprouted grains. ALLOWED: Quinoa, Amaranth, and Buckwheat, as these are technically considered seeds.

  6. Unhealthy oils

    • Corn, canola, cottonseed, soy, safflower, sunflower, grapeseed, and rice bran oils

  7. Bars and pre-packaged foods

    • Frozen food, protein bars, bags of chips, crackers, etc. This one can be a slippery slope in terms of what counts as pre-packaged and what doesn’t. If you think it might qualify as pre-packaged, it probable does. Protein powders are okay as long as they don’t have any added sugars

5. Can I choose my own 10 Minute Mobility Routine?

  • Yes. The link is just a suggested full body routine but you can put your own spin on it and do what your body needs.



CHAD 1000

This workout is in honor of Chad Wilkinson, a Navy SEAL who took his life on October 29, 2018 due to the effects of numerous deployments, several TBIs, blast wave injuries and PTSD. Our goal is to honor Chad’s life and legacy and to raise awareness for suicide prevention.

Suggested donation: $20 per person
100% of the proceeds will be donated to the Moab VA

The workout
1,000 box step ups for time
Rx = 20” box and 45/35# weighted vest
Options to scale = no weight, box height your choice

Performed solo or as a team of 2

Prizes will be awarded to the fastest times in each category - Solo and Team of 2
Sign up in person at the Gym on 5th or via email
Three time slots: 7am, 8:45am, 10:30am
You do not have to be a member of the gym to participate





The Focus 28 is 28 days spent focusing on what you put into your body, how you feel, and on bringing awareness to your current nutrition habits.


  • November 14 - December 11, 2022

  • This will be a partner challenge!

  • Buy in is $50 per team

  • Sign up with your partner by bringing cash to the gym by November 14th

  • Winner takes all the cash


  • Track your macros using the MyFitnessPal app (or something similar) or keep a food diary logging food, beverages, and amounts every day for 28 days, November 14 - December 11

  • Workout at the Gym on 5th 3x a week or more

  • Spend 5 min. every day doing one of the following: stretching, yoga, meditation, reading, journaling, or any intentional mindfulness practice that does not involve looking at a screen

  • Drink 3 liters of water every day

  • Text or call your Focus 28 partner 1x a week or more to check in and 1x a week touching base about the week's focus

  • Workout with your partner at the gym 1x week or do something outside together, take a photo of you two as a team, and share it on social media (tag @thegymon5th) or text to us 435-260-0964


Complete all of the tasks for 28 days. There will be no points for this challenge, but rather, just like logging your food, you’ll be on the honor system.

Your team will get 3 get out of jail free [GOO(J)F] cards upon signing up for the Focus 28. These are to be used if you slip up and miss one of the tasks. Only workout once or twice in a week? Drop a GOO(J)F card in the jar at the front desk. Skip a day of mindfulness practice? Drop a card in the jar. Once you are out of cards, you better stick to the tasks or you can’t win the cash!

All the teams that successfully complete the challenge will have their team name dropped into a hat at the end of the 28 days. We will randomly select the winner from the hat.

BONUS: Perfect week = additional team entry into the pot.

If you have a perfect week, completing all the tasks, you earn your team an additional entry into the pot. More perfect weeks mean more chances to take home the prize money.


  • Does my partner need to be a member of the Gym on 5th?

  • Yes. If you have someone in mind who is not currently a member this is a great chance to invite them to workout with you at the gym for these 28 days! If you partner with someone who is not a member of the gym and they don’t workout at the gym 3x a week, your team just can’t win the cash.

  • Can I sign up and do the Focus 28 by myself?

    • No. If you need help finding a partner, let us know!

  • Do I have to actually hit my macros or just track them?

    • No, the goal here is just to track your food, not hit your macros. If you do hit those numbers, great, but that is not the point.

  • What do you mean by "food diary"?

    • Log everything you put into your body. Every single day for 28 days.

    • Example: 1/2 cup oatmeal, 2 tbsp. peanut butter, 1/2 banana, 2 cups coffee with 1 tbsp sugar

  • Will I need to share my food diary with you?

    • No. There is no judgement as to what you are eating or how much, the idea is just to be completely honest with yourself so you can really take these 28 days to evaluate where you are and where you’d like to be with your own personal nutrition goals.

  • I will be out of town for part of the Focus 28. Can I workout at another gym and have it count towards my 3x week?

    • Yes.

  • What do you mean by doing something outside together with my partner? Is this in ADDITION to working out at the gym 3x week?

    • Instead of working out together at the gym you two could go for a hike together, a run, a bike ride, anything that gets your heart rate elevated outdoors.

    • In order to complete this task, here’s an example of what your week could look like:

      • Partner 1: Workout at the Gym on 5th Monday and Wednesday. Partner 2: Workout at the Gym on 5th Tuesday and Friday. On Saturday you two go for a hike together.



Kettlebell Clinic

Current gym members!

Use code “MEMBER” to get your discount

About Anne Casstevens

Anne is a StrongFirst Elite instructor and team leader. She believes strongly in understanding not just the technical “how-to’s” but also in learning the intent behind the movements she teaches. Kettlebells have become a foundational piece in how she herself trains as well as in how she teaches her students at courses and at her own gym in Salt Lake City.

Anne has used kettlebells to help supplement her multitude of competitive athletic interests - including CrossFit, Powerlifting, and now Jiu Jitsu. Kettlebell training has helped her achieve strength and performance goals she never thought possible, including the Iron Maiden Challenge (press, pullup, and pistol with 24kg) to medaling at some major IBJJF Jiu Jitsu tournaments.

She is so excited to share her love of kettlebells with the Gym on 5th and greater Moab community!



Basics of Bodywork Workshop with Katie Proctor, LMT

Basics of Bodywork Workshop with Katie Proctor, LMT

Saturday, April 2nd
10:30a-12:30p or 1:30-3:30p

*Space is limited to 14 participants

Learn basic massage techniques to help yourself and others.

1. Practice the superpower of listening by feeling!
2. Explore overworked muscle groups where tension and stress typically reside.
3. Learn methods of massage and stretching to help yourself and others.
4. Create a toolkit of skills and learn which household items can assist you in your home practice.

This is a safe and respectful space where ALL are welcome!
Come prepared for hands-on training either working with the teacher, another student or both.
Please wear comfortable clothing or athletic wear.
Bring a beach towel or large bath towel.

Katie has worked for over 12 years as a licensed massage therapist. She has worked with a range of clients from olympic athletes, collegiate athletes, the terminally ill, individuals in Hospice care, children and lots and lots of fantastic, normal everyday folks! Katie maintains a small private practice dedicated to reducing stress and tension to promote a sense of peace and well-being. Her goal is to help you present your best self to the world!

Katie's training specializes in structural integration, myofascial release, injury rehabilitation, sports therapy, deep tissue and mindful presence.

If you would like to learn more about this class or have any questions, you are welcome to contact Katie at:



Free Women's Class + Conversation


  • Do I have to be a member of the gym to attend?

    • Absolutely not! This class is for ALL women and is especially great if you’ve never been to the gym before because the workout will be designed with beginners in mind. Remember - we have all started at the beginning!

  • What do I need to bring?

    • Bring a water bottle and an open mind. Wear comfortable, stretchy clothes that you’re prepared to move around in and sweat in, and wear clean, athletic shoes (not hiking shoes!).

  • I’m a member of the gym, can I bring a friend?

    • We’d love that! All women are welcome.

  • What is the minimum age for this class?

    • The minimum age for this class, and for all of our classes, is 17 years old.

  • What is this “conversation” that’s happening after class?

    • The conversation after class will be facilitated by our female coaches and will be a chance for us to talk about what it feels like being a female in a gym setting. This will not be a lecture or a speech, rather, it will be an open forum for us to discuss our fears and anxieties and also the immense pride and self-fulfillment that comes with strength training in a group setting. No one will be forced to speak, so don’t be nervous if you tend to shy away from speaking in a public setting. You are welcome to join and just listen to what others have to say.

  • I have an existing injury. Can I still attend class?

    • So long as you have been cleared by your doctor to come to the gym, we can absolutely adjust the workout to meet you where you’re at. We do this all of the time in our regular classes, it’s one of the huge benefits of attending a coach-led class.

  • I am SO NERVOUS.

    • That is a good thing! That means you’re stepping out of your comfort zone and THAT is where change happens. Chances are you’ve been thinking about changing your habits and creating a new, healthy routine for yourself for a while now, but have been hesitant. This is your opportunity to step into a place where it is safe (and encouraged!) to get uncomfortable. It’s what we do. We are all in this together and all want the best for the person we’re working out next to. This is just one class to get your feet wet and see what it’s all about. One of our mantras in the gym is “Stronger Together”, so bring a buddy!
