WOD Wednesday 3/18/20

Warm Up

Full Body Stretch
2 rounds
10 lunges
10 squats
10 push ups
10 inch worms


Grab a kettlebell, dumbbell, or something with some weight to it that you have at home

4 rounds
30 Lunges, hold weight at side
20 Single Arm Front Rack Squats
20 Single Arm Shoulder Presses



Jumping Squats
Sit Ups
30 seconds plank in between each set

Score is total time


50 Russian Twists with weight if you have it

WOD Tuesday 3/16/20

Warm Up

5 min. jog


Core Work
3 Rounds:
15 Plank-to-Forearms
1 min. Left Side Plank
1 min. Right Side Plank
15 Hollow Rocks
1 min. Left Elbow Plank
1 min. Right Elbow Plank
15 V-Ups

Rest 2 min. between each round


Run from your home for 10 min.
Rest 3 min.
Run back home and try to be at least 10 sec. faster


Spend 5 min. (set a timer!) stretching your calves and hamstrings

WOD Monday 3/15/20

Warm Up

100 Jumping Jacks
3 Rounds of:
10 Bootstrap Squats
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Torso Twists in Lunge


Find anything at home that is 5-40# that you can hold in one hand
Scale to appropriate weight to maintain proper form:

  • Shoulders stay square in squat

  • Squat only as far as you can without rotating torso or dropping arm

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyuOhrT-9J4

5 rounds
10 Single Arm Overhead Squats, Right
10 Single Arm Overhead Squats, Left
:30 sec. hold with weight held in both hands directly out in front of you (keep core tight and hips directly under shoulders)


12 minute running clock:
Minute 1: Burpees
Minute 2: Jumping Squats (full depth and feet get off ground)
Minute 3 : Push Ups

Score is total reps


6 min. mobility & core
Minute 1: Pigeon, left side
Minute 2: 20 sit ups
Minute 3: Pigeon, right side
Minute 4: 20 sit ups
Minute 5: Child’s pose
Minute 6: 20 sit ups

Gym Closure

Get your Zoom membership to workout with us from anywhere!

Dear Gym on 5th community,

After discussing the outbreak of COVID-19 with other local business owners, gym owners, and, most importantly, medical professionals, we have decided to close the Gym until the end of the month.

This was not an easy call. We had actually just typed up a lengthy letter this morning highlighting everything we have been doing, and were planning to continue to do, to combat the spread of this virus. However, we spoke with one of our members this evening, a physician at Moab Regional Hospital, Dr. Whitney Mack, and asked pointedly what her recommendation was. She made it very clear that waiting until there are confirmed cases in Moab to close our doors would mean waiting until it’s too late. Given that the virus is contagious before any symptoms display themselves, it’s possible that we could be spreading the virus at the gym (even with all of the cleaning!) without anyone knowing.

We always aim to be proactive, and in this situation we believe that means we should get ahead of the problem and do everything we can to be part of the solution.

We will continue with the remodel of our new space as planned, so hopefully by the time we’re back in action we will be operating out of our new, larger space!

What does this mean as a gym member?

  • Recurring memberships are paused and 1 month and 3 month memberships will be extended to make up for time lost.

  • We will post at home workouts on our blog, just like we have always done for the regular workouts at the gym. These workouts will be designed so that you can do them without any equipment. We will strongly encourage people to post their results and times on the blog so we can all stay in touch and motivated!

  • There will not be any open gym hours. The whole point of this closure is to limit our interactions with each other so that we don’t unknowingly expose ourselves to the virus. 

What can you do to remain healthy and proactive?

  • Keep yourself healthy by doing the basics that we’re sure you’ve heard about by now:

    • Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with warm soapy water.

    • If you feel sick at all, stay home, except to seek medical care.

    • Limit your interactions with others, this is the best way to prevent illness.

  • Get plenty of rest, 8-9 hours of sleep each night

  • This is our own personal suggestion: limit your time on social media. It can be very easy to go down the wormhole of information and headlines that are out there. Stay informed, but don’t let the 24/7 newsreel cause you any stress or anxiety.

  • We are brainstorming ways to help deliver food to the elderly, the demographic most at risk for contracting this virus. We’ll be starting a discussion on our Facebook page, so stay tuned to how you can help others in need in our community.

We love you all and already can’t wait to workout with you again! Take care of yourselves and take care of each other. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns or need anything at all.


Emily 435-260-2445

Casey 210-379-1359

For more information on the virus and how you can stay healthy, visit these websites:



WOD Thursday 3/12/20

Warm Up

Breathe. Stretch. Move.


4 Rounds
1 min. bike for cals
1 min. man makers 40/25
1 min. plank
1 min. burpees

Score is total reps


5 min. abs
15 min. mobility


Coach’s Choice


Warm Up

Breathe. Stretch. Move.


12 min. of Cindy
Strict Pull Ups

Rest 5 min.

2 for 1
2 mins on bike
rest 2 mins
2 mins ski
rest 2 mins
2 mins row
rest 2 mins
1 min bike
rest 1 min
1 min ski
rest 1 min
1 min row

Score is cals


Coach’s choice


WOD Wednesday 3/11/20

Warm Up

Breathe. Stretch. Move.


Single Arm KB Push Press
Single Arm Bent Over Rows
Building in weight


100 KB Swings 70/53
100 Jumping Lunges
100 Sit Ups
100 Burpees

25 min. time cap


Coach’s Choice


WOD Tuesday 3/10/20


Warm Up

Breathe. Stretch. Move.


Over Head Squats
Review form and then
5x5 at light weight



5x5 tempo squats
Building to as heavy as possible
3 second eccentric, 2 second pause at bottom, 1 second at the top


Coach’s choice


Warm Up

Breathe. Stretch. Move.


20 min. on machine for meters
Rest 5 min.

6 rounds
400 meter sprint
1 min. plank


Coach’s Choice


WOD Monday 3/9/20

Warm Up

Breathe. Stretch. Move,


Hang Power Clean
10-8-6 then
Build to heavy


Pick a machine:
3 min. for cals
1 min. plank
2 min. cals
1 min. wall sit
1 min. cals
1 min. plank
2 min. cals
1 min. wall sit
3 min. cals


Coach’s choice

score is total cals. when scoring please write down what machine they used.
coachs focus- quick transitions from machine to plank/wall sit and thern back into machine.


WOD Friday 3/6/20

Free Community Workout at 5:15pm! Bring a friend or two for a fun workout for everyone.

At 6:30pm we will announce the winners of the February Nutrition Challenge


40 minute Friday!


WOD Thursday 3/5/20

Warm Up

Breathe. Stretch. Move.


Front Squat
Heavy as possible on last set


With a partner:

500m on machine
100 KB Swings
500m on machine
75 Squats
500m on machine
50 Sit Ups
500m on machine
25 Burpees
500m on machine


Coach’s choice


Warm Up

Breathe. Stretch. Move.


15 min. on machine of choice for cals
Immediately in to 2 min. plank
10 min. on machine for cals
Immediately in to 2 min. plank
5 min. on machine for cals


Coach’s choice
