Dear Gym on 5th Community,
Given the rising cases of COVID-19 in Utah and Governor Herbert’s announcements this evening, masks are now required upon entering the gym. Please read our guidelines below to fully understand what we are asking, and why:
Masks will be required any time you are moving around the gym and are unable to keep at least 6 feet between you and the other members in class. This means we are asking you to please wear a mask when you enter the gym, as well as when you’re grabbing your equipment. You will be able to remove your mask during the workout, and any time you’re able to keep at least 6 feet from other members in class.
Your coaches will be wearing masks throughout the entirety of class.
Classes will be limited to 14 members and 1 coach.
We are asking this of all of you because we care about this community, we respect every single one of you, and we want to keep our doors open. The only way we can safely and responsibly do that is if everyone follows this simple rule for the time being.
We know that COVID fatigue is real and that after everything everyone has been through this year it’s very easy to become discouraged and irritated with even more restrictions. But let us all do our best to remain positive and look on the bright side! Following this simple rule will allow us to keep one another safe and allow us to continue to exercise together, both for our physical as well as mental health.
Please feel free to email us if you have absolutely any questions or concerns. We will see you at the gym!
Casey and Emily