February 2020 Nutrition Challenge
The Goal: To educate ourselves on what we’re putting in our bodies each day and how we are or are not recovering. We also want to reset our minds and reset our bodies in order to create healthier, more sustainable habits for 2020.
Entry Rules:
Entry is $20. The Challenge will begin Saturday, February 1st and will end Saturday, February 29th. You must pay your entry by Saturday, February 1st in order to be eligible to win the grand prize. Please bring cash! Once you sign up you’ll be given a calendar to track your points. You point charts will need to be brought to the gym by Wednesday, March 4th in order to be counted. If you won’t be in town, you can send a photo of your chart to thegymon5th@gmail.com.
Q: Why is the entry fee $20?
We want to give back! A strong, supportive community is the foundation for this gym, and we want to support the larger Moab community through this challenge. Winners of past challenges have donated to organizations such as the Moab Free Health Clinic and the Moab Valley Multicultural Center. Read more about where this money will go below.
2. The grand prize will be half the total sum of the money paid as entry for the challenge. More participants = more prize money! The other half will be donated to a local Moab non-profit organization of the winner’s choice. The grand prize winner will be the individual that has earned the most points by the end of the challenge. If there is a tie, half of the grand prize money will be evenly divided among the winners. (For example, if the entry money totals $500, $250 would still go to a non-profit, and the other $250 would be divided among the winners).
3. Other ways to win! We want to make sure that everyone who participates has a chance to win some rad swag (gear, gift certificates, memberships, and more). Everyone that participates will have their name thrown into a pot based on the points they earn. The grand prize winner’s name will not be entered into this drawing. The caveat? This will be weighted, so for every 10 points you earn, your name will be added to the pot again. i.e. If by the end of the challenge you have earned 134 points, your name will be entered into the pot 13 times. We will round down for numbers ending in 4, 3, 2, and 1, and will round up for numbers ending in 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The better you do, the more chances you will have of winning!
How to Earn Points each day:
7+ hours of sleep (1 point)
At least 7 consecutive hours in the evening. You do not get a point if you sleep for 5 hours at night and then take a 2 hour nap during the day.
Drink half your bodyweight in ounces of water (1 point)
i.e. A 160 lb. person would need to drink 80 ounces of water to earn 1 point. Yes, we know there’s water in coffee; no, it doesn’t count towards your water consumption for the day.
Sugar (+1 point if you don’t eat it, -1 point if you do)
This is a really tough one. Sugar and other sweeteners are a sneaky ingredient in a lot of common foods, especially condiments and sauces (ketchup, dressings, etc.). Read all labels. We know there are some “healthy” alternative sugars out there, most of which are on this list, and we’re by no means saying that these are bad to consume in your regular life, but for this challenge we really want to focus on the fact that we have a sugar problem as a society, and we’re so accustomed to eating sweet or sweetened foods that we don’t even realize we’re doing it anymore. By omitting the following ingredients from your diet as much as possible throughout this challenge, we hope to form some new habits while also learning something about what’s actually in the food we eat on a regular basis.
Note: Naturally sweet foods like dates and bananas are ok!
Here is an exhaustive list of sugary ingredients that you may find on labels:
Just plain sugar
______ sugar (brown sugar, cane sugar, raw sugar, beet sugar, confectioner’s sugar, etc.)
______ syrup (high fructose corn syrup, malt syrup, refiner’s syrup, rice syrup, brown rice syrup, date syrup, etc.)
Science-y names for sugar
“Natural” sugars
Agave nectar
Coconut nectar
Coconut sugar
Date sugar
(Evaporated) cane juice
Maple syrup
Monk fruit extract
Rice malt (extract)
(Sweet) sorghum
Artificial sweeteners
Sugar alcohols
Glycerin (Glycerol)
No alcohol (+1 point if you abstain, -1 point if you partake)
Pretty self-explanatory. No beer, wine, liquors. No alcohol for 1 day earns you 1 point. If you imbibe you lose 1 point. We all like to celebrate, but the idea here is to encourage you to make intentional choices. Do you need to drink 5-7 nights a week, or are you just in the habit of it? Can you hold off for a few days because you know you have a BBQ or birthday celebration coming up? Exercising self-control will not only leave you feeling better, allow you to sleep better, and prepare you to make healthier choices after the challenge, you’ll also be more likely to WIN!
Eat 4 cups of veggies (1 point)
Much like the “no sugar” aspect of this challenge, consuming 4 cups of veggies each day is meant to bring awareness to your diet and what you’re putting into your body. Rather than talk about what you can’t have, this rule is about what you can! Potatoes and sweet potatoes are wonderful foods but they do NOT count as a vegetable for this challenge! You can of course still eat them, they just will not count towards your 4 cups of veggies. Pro tip: Pre-slice bell peppers, carrots, and cucumbers to have on hand when you need a snack. Dip in salsa or hummus instead of chips!
Some ideas to get you started
All greens, measured raw (lettuce, kale, chard, spinach, etc.)
Tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, onions, garlic
Celery, broccoli, cauliflower, artichokes, asparagus, cabbage
Squash, zucchini, cucumbers, green beans
Turnips, radishes, rutabagas, beets, carrots, kohlrabi
How to Earn Points Throughout the Challenge:
Work out at least 3x throughout the week (+3 points)
Attend 3 classes at the Gym on 5th Monday-Saturday and you get the points. You do have to workout at the Gym on 5th in order to get your points, at home workouts do not count.
Weekly challenges. There will be weekly challenges posted at the gym each Monday. Complete these and earn more points!
Helpful Tips to Help You succeed:
Maintain consistency with your workout schedule. Shoot for 3-4 days of intense work, 2-3 days of active recovery (Bike! Hike! Climb! Swim!), and 1 day of total rest.
Eat well. Low carb, high protein, lots o’ veggies, little to no sugar. Plan your cheat meals, and only indulge if it’s really worth it. The treats will always be around, practice saying no, you’ll thank yourself later. Share your own tricks to eating well on the gym’s Members-Only Facebook Page, and encourage each other with favorite recipes and meals!
Go to bed! We cannot stress enough how important sleep is for your overall health and wellbeing. Use this month to create a new healthy habit of getting to bed at the same time each night, and getting up at least 7 hours later.
What if I want to participate but I’ll be out of town for much of February?
If you want to participate but will be travelling and plan to attend other class-based gyms, let us know, those classes may count towards your 3 workouts/week.
Do I have to be a member of the Gym on 5th to participate?
Absolutely not! This challenge is open to anyone and everyone. You’re more than welcome to join in on the fun, shakedown your diet, and refresh your goals and intentions for the fall. Gym members will be more likely to win due to the fact that you earn points for working out 3+ times per week, but don’t let that deter you from entering! You’ll benefit whether you win the grand prize or not.
If I win, do I have to donate to a local non-profit or can the money go to a different organization?
We want to keep this local. There are hundreds if not thousands of amazing organizations worldwide that are doing good work, but we have dozens of those organizations right here in Moab that could use our support.
Haha! Like I’m going to give up my wine! Is it really worth it if I already know I can’t do that?
That kind of mindset will prevent you from growing or changing, ever. If you’ve already decided you can’t do something, you’re setting yourself up for failure just so you can prove yourself right. Why not challenge yourself? It isn’t supposed to be easy. Easy doesn’t produce results. Plus, it’s only ONE month out of your whole life. The wine and beer will be there come March 1st. So will the cookies and brownies and candy. Who knows what you’ll learn about yourself if you actually dive in, all the way, and try?
Good luck!