Dexa Body will be coming to the Gym on 5th

October 2nd & November 11th

That’s funny, that’s right before and right after our upcoming Fall Back Into Fitness nutrition challenge. It sure would be helpful to have accurate data about our own bodies in order to establish a baseline at the beginning of dedicating 6 full weeks to changing our diets. What’s more, it would be even better to test those numbers again at the end of the 6 weeks to see how our bodies have changed. It’d be great to have accurate information about our bodies like:

Body fat percentage
Lean muscle mass
Bone density
Muscle symmetry

You’re in luck!

Sign up ASAP to reserve your spot. We’ll be advertising this throughout the wider Moab community beginning this Friday, and we’d love to have our members get first pick of appointments. This is a great way to really learn about your body, identify weaknesses, and hold yourself accountable for this 6 week challenge.

Click here to reserve your scan appointment!

Barbell 5:45am, 7:00am, 8:30am, 6:30pm

Warm Up

Breathe. Stretch. Move.


Shoulders and hips
Movement review


10 min. EMOM
1 Clean and Jerk


Coach’s Choice

Endurance 11:30am & 5:15pm

Warm Up

Breathe. Stretch. Move.


30 min. AMRAP

50/40 Cals on machine
40 Squats
30 Sit Ups
20 Push Ups
10 Strict Pull Ups


Coach’s Choice

