The Gym on 5th

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WOD Wednesday 6/20/18

Warm Up

Couch stretch with leg extended
Pass throughs
2x 20 hollow rocks
20 supermans
10 pushups w/3 second lower


3 rounds
90 seconds each of :
Station 1: 5 x 3 seconds CHIN up negatives
Station 2: 5 x goblet squats (3 seconds on way down, 2 second at bottom)
Station 3: 45 second hold of hollow rock
Station 4: reverse snow angels


7 rounds for time
5 one arm KB swings left
5 one arm KB swings right
5 one leg box step ups left
5 one leg box step ups right
10 box jumps


3 x 1 min wall sit with plate/1 min rest