WOD Friday 5/8/20

Warm Up

30 Jumping jacks
30 Russian twists
20 Squats
20 Lunges
10 Push Ups
10 Burpees


9 min. AMRAP
5 Push ups
10 Squats
15 sit ups

1 min. plank

9 min. AMRAP
3 Burpees
6 Headcutters
9 Frog jumps

1 min. plank

9 min. AMRAP
5 Push ups
10 Squats
15 Sit ups

1 min. plank

9 min. AMRAP
3 Burpees
6 Headcutters
9 Frog jumps

1 min. max effort burpees



WOD Thursday 5/7/20

Warm Up


Find some stairs or three different heights to do push ups from

4 Rounds
10 Push ups at highest level
7 Push ups at middle height (floor)
5 Push ups at lowest (feet elevated if possible, these should be the hardest version of a strict push up that you can do with proper form)


16 min. AMRAP
16 Russian twists
6 Burpees
16 Sit ups
6 Burpees
16 Mountain climbers
6 Burpees


5 min. walk


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WOD Wednesday 5/6/20

Warm Up

2 Rounds
1 min. high knees
1 min. tin soldiers
1 min. high skips
1 min. walking lunges


3 Rounds (4 if weight is light)
20 reverse lunges, hold weight at side
20 front rack squats
20 side lunges or single side step ups
20 single arm shoulder presses


Jumping lunges (l/r=1)
Right arm snatch
Left arm snatch
*Score is time


100 sit ups

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WOD Tuesday 5/5/20

Warm Up

Jog 800m or 5 min.


Core Work

3 Rounds
20 Push up to plank on elbows
1 min. left side plank
1 min. right side plank
20 Hollow rocks
1 min. left elbow plank
1 min. right elbow plank
15 V-ups

Rest 2 min. between rounds


Run for 15 min.
Rest 3 min.
Run back to where you started, trying to get back before 15 min. is up!


Calf and ankle stretches
2 min. pigeon



The Gym is Reopening!

May 4, 2020

Dear Gym on 5th Community,

On Saturday, March 14th we reached out to all of you and informed you that we would be closing our doors to help be part of the solution to stop the spread of COVID-19. Two months later we now have a new, larger, better designed gym space for all of you and are ready to cautiously and carefully open our new doors.

We want to communicate a few different things here: our how, our why, and our ask of you as a member of this community. Ultimately, our goal is to open up our space in a limited fashion, in accordance with all current rules and regulations, with respect as our top priority. We ask that you respect our ask, respect our new protocols, but most importantly, we ask that you please respect each other. Each and every one of us has had a different experience with this situation. The gym is a place where, regardless of who you are, what you do, where you come from, or what you believe, you are welcome.

Our Why

Why now? We believe that we can safely operate while following all of the state and county’s guidelines and requests. Moreover, we believe that our members are respectful, and will be happy to oblige to these new requirements if it means we can workout together again.

First things first...

If you borrowed equipment from the gym, please return it no later than Friday, May 8th. We need to clean and sanitize absolutely everything before we can open our doors. Here is when someone will be at the gym so that you can stop by to drop off your equipment:

Monday 5/4, Wednesday 5/6, and Friday 5/8

6:00-7:15am & 5:00-7:15pm

If you absolutely need to come by at another time, please e-mail us thegymon5th@gmail.com and we will organize another time.

Our How

  • The gym will reopen on Monday, May 11th

  • Our class schedule will be as follows:

Monday-Friday 6:00am, 8:00am, 11:30am, 5:00pm, 6:30pm

Saturday 8:00am, 9:30am

  • Classes will be limited to 8 members

  • Pre-registration for classes is required via the Push Press app, here on on our website, or by using this link. You will not be permitted to just show up to class without pre-registering. You will be able to pre-register for classes 24 hours before each class begins. We recommend logging in to the app now so you can learn how it works and change your password if you have forgotten it. If you haven’t set up a password before, contact Emily at thegymon5th@gmail.com and she will help you get set up.

  • Memberships will return to normal, i.e. recurring memberships will be re-activated and membership prices will remain the same. One year memberships will be reactivated and their expiration dates will be postponed by 2 months. If you have any concerns, please contact us at thegymon5th@gmail.com

  • We will have protocols printed and posted at the gym for both members and coaches regarding cleaning before, during, and after class times

  • We will have our two large garage doors open as much as possible to increase ventilation and air flow throughout the gym

  • Coaches will be wearing masks while in the gym

  • Members are not required to wear a mask while working out, but are welcome to if desired

  • We will be programming workouts that make it possible to keep 10 feet of distance between each member, a requirement for gyms

  • We will not be offering our Endurance or Barbell classes just yet, rather, each day we will offer the same workout at every class

Our Ask

  • Please, please, please wash your hands immediately upon entering the gym and before leaving the gym

  • Please do not enter the gym until you are invited in by the coach. We need to limit the number of people inside our facility.

  • If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please refrain from coming to the gym: cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell

  • Please abide by all posted rules and regulations 

We know that none of this is ideal or convenient, and that some of it may be confusing, so please reach out with any questions or concerns thegymon5th@gmail.com. Let’s all do our part to keep our community healthy and safe, and start working out together (at a safe distance) again!


Casey and Emily



WOD Monday 5/4/20

We will be re-opening on Monday, May 11th!

We will post more information this week regarding all of the details, but please return the weight you borrowed from the gym this week. We need to clean everything and get all of our weights in order for the reopening.

You can return your equipment during these times:
Monday 6-7am or 5-7pm
Wednesday 6-7am or 5-7pm
Friday 6-7am or 5-7pm

If you need to schedule a different time to drop your weight off please let us know!

Warm Up

5 min. jog
Squat warm up:
2 Rounds
10 Bootstrap squats
10 Wall squats
20 Lunges
10 Inch worms


Static Holds

Find anything at home that is 5-40 lbs. that you can hold in one hand
Scale to appropriate weight for proper form: shoulders stay square in squat, squat only as far as you can without rotating torso or dropping arm
Click here for a video

5 rounds
10 1 arm over head squats right
10 1 arm over head squats left
Hold item 30 seconds straight out in front of you


With a 12 minute running clock
Minute 1: Burpees
Minute 2: Sit ups
Minute 3: Squats

*Score is total reps



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WOD Tuesday 4/28/20

Warm Up

3 Rounds
10 3 second squat holds under tension
Downward dog toe taps


100 Push Ups
Break up as needed


5 Rounds

5 Burpees
Sprint 20 yards
20 Squats
Sprint 10 yards back
10 Sit ups
Sprint 10 yards back


Calf and ankle stretches

1 Comment


WOD Monday 4/27/20

Warm Up

Shoulders and hamstrings


4 x 20
Single leg extended hip extensions

4 x 15-20 (depending on weight)
Lat pull downs laying down


16 min. AMRAP

100 Jumping jacks
90 Squats
80 Line hop overs
70 Flutter kicks
60 Plank shoulder taps
50 Sit ups
40 Push ups
30 Jumping lunges
20 Burpees
10 Reverse burpees


3 min. team plank