We will be re-opening on Monday, May 11th!

We will post more information this week regarding all of the details, but please return the weight you borrowed from the gym this week. We need to clean everything and get all of our weights in order for the reopening.

You can return your equipment during these times:
Monday 6-7am or 5-7pm
Wednesday 6-7am or 5-7pm
Friday 6-7am or 5-7pm

If you need to schedule a different time to drop your weight off please let us know!

Warm Up

5 min. jog
Squat warm up:
2 Rounds
10 Bootstrap squats
10 Wall squats
20 Lunges
10 Inch worms


Static Holds

Find anything at home that is 5-40 lbs. that you can hold in one hand
Scale to appropriate weight for proper form: shoulders stay square in squat, squat only as far as you can without rotating torso or dropping arm
Click here for a video

5 rounds
10 1 arm over head squats right
10 1 arm over head squats left
Hold item 30 seconds straight out in front of you


With a 12 minute running clock
Minute 1: Burpees
Minute 2: Sit ups
Minute 3: Squats

*Score is total reps
