The Gym on 5th

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WOD Thursday 7/16/2020

Warm Up

Breathe. Stretch. Move.


500 M Row

Rest 5 Mins

500 M Ski


For time:

100 KB swings 53/35

Rest 2 mins and keep track of time finished

100 burpees

Keep track of time


Coach’s Choice


ENDURANCE: 11:30AM, 5:15PM

Warm Up

Breathe. Stretch. Move.


Rowing or skiing pyramid
At 2k pace:

1 min. work
1 min. rest
2 min. work
2 min. rest
3 min. work
3 min. rest
2 min. work
2 min. rest
1 min. work
1 min. rest


10 Rounds on different machine
30 Seconds on
30 Seconds off

Set your goal on the first round and then hit that meter every round.


Coach’s Choice