Warm Up

Full body stretch*
10 inch worms
20 arm circles
30 squats
40 jumping jacks

*For those of you who haven’t attended a class at our gym, full body stretch should be personal to you. Hamstrings feeling tight? Stretch your hamstrings and quads for a few. We’re not looking to become more flexible during a warm, just wake up those muscles and areas of our body that may need a little extra attention.


7 rounds

1 min. wall sit
1 min. plank


20 min. time cap

3 Rounds
30 Push ups
30 Alt. snatches

Immediately into,

2 Rounds
50 Sit ups
50 DB push press

Immediately into,

1 Round
100 Air squats
100 hop overs


3 Rounds
1 min. arm curls
1 min. tricep extensions