WOD Tuesday 4/7/20
Warm Up
5 min. jog
Wrist circles
10 inch worms, no push up
Death by sit ups + push ups
Minute 1: 1 sit up + 1 push up
Minute 2: 2 sit ups + 2 push ups
Minute 3: 3 sit ups + 3 push ups
Keep working until you can’t complete the set number of squats + push ups in the minute
Focus on perfect form here.
Full sit up = hands touch the ground behind your head and then your shoulders pass your hips at the top of the movement.
Full push up = shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles are in a straight line, shoulders stacked directly over wrists, lats locked in place, elbows bend along your torso as you descend, chest touches the ground, full extension of arms at the top.
12 min. EMOM
For Completilon:
Minute 1: Pendulum Lunges
Minute 2: Jumping side lunges
Minute 3: Squat to kneeling
8 min. running clock
2 min. pigeon
2 min. couch stretch
2 min. lizard
2 min. scorpion