WOD Thursday 4/2/20
Don’t forget to sign up for your Zoom Membership! Online classes will continue to be free until April 7th
Warm Up
Wrist warm up
Plank to toe touch
Handstand work!
Begin with headstands against a wall
Work up to 3 rounds of max holds in full handstand if possible
Options to scale:
Start in push up position with your feet against the wall, begin to walk your feet up the wall simultaneously walking hands towards wall, keeping a strong core, butt squeezed
15 mins. of work
Min. 1 High Knees
Min. 2 Burpees
Min. 3 Wall sit
Score is total number of burpees
3 min. Child’s Pose
2 min. in seated position, legs stretched out in front of you, folding your body over your legs to stretch your hamstrings
1 min. lying on your back, just breathing
The workout of the day will continue to be posted at 8:00pm MST the night before, and this will be offered free of charge. However, if you are able and feel like the workouts are worth it, we’ve set up a donation page. All of this money will go back to the gym and to paying our coaches. Thank you.