WOD Monday 3/30/20
Join us Tuesday, March 31st at 7:00pm for a virtual meeting for some BIG announcements.
More details below.
Also: Don’t forget that you can now comment on this post with your score/time for the day!
Warm Up
Full body stretch
2 rounds
10 Inch Worms
20 Arm Circles
30 Squats
40 Jumping Jacks
Push Ups - Max reps until failure
100 Goblet Squats w/KB or DB (or air squats)
Push Ups - Max reps until failure
Sit Ups
KB or DB swings (or jumping squats)
2 min. couch stretch each side
Link to gym meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/492282007?pwd=N0FPMitFNXBUcEc4NEZSa2tPaCsxZz09 Meeting ID: 492 282 007 Password: 375142